JUDr. Karel Voldřich

Contact: voldrich@advokati-vn.cz

Judr. Karel Voldřich

  • graduated from the Law Faculty of the Charles University in Prague
  • a member of the Czech Bar Association since 1 July 1993
  • a full-fledged member of the World Jurist Association
  • a graduate a training course on “European law”
  • a lecturer of subjects Law I and Law II on private school Unicorn College
  • Russian, English



JUDr. Monika Nekvasilová

Contact: nekvasilova@advokati-vn.cz

Judr. Monika Nekvasilová

  • doctor's degree in 2011 at the Faculty of law of the Charles University in Prague
  • a member of the Czech Bar Association since 1 April 2003
  • a graduate a training course on “European law” organized by the Czech Bar Association
  • English, Russian, French, Spanish and German




Assistant :




Economist is:

Anežka Voldřichová

Anežka Voldřichová



  • This year our law firm celebrates its 25th anniversary!    



Law firm Voldřich & Nekvasilová

Palackého 14
110 00 Praha 1

E-mail: kancelar@advokati-vn.cz
Phone: +420 724 946 025
